Leadership Fuquay-Varina Logo

Our 2025 Cohort is Now Underway

Connect with your community, develop your leadership skills, broaden your knowledge of town governance, and make lifelong friends.

Our leadership cohort for 2025 has begun. Leadership Classes run once a month from March to December. If you are Chamber member and would like to sponsor food for a class, please email Dustin@fuquay-varina.com. Program fee: $700 for FV Chamber Members ($850 for non-members)

"Having the opportunity to participate in Leadership F-V has deepened my understanding of the complexities and the skillsets required to keep the town running effectively. I have been fortunate enough to broaden my network through the program, and meet people in my own town that I might not have otherwise met. I have been able to learn valuable skills to help me be an effective leader in my current position and beyond."
Bob Barker Employee
"I found my participation in Leadership F-V to be extremely rewarding. Sessions were designed to highlight leadership skill-building and expose class participants to leadership roles in local government, the Fuquay-Varina community and the non-profit sector. All sessions were led by experts in their fields and offered the opportunity for full class participation."
Fuquay-Varina Resident

Leadership Fuquay-Varina

The Leadership Fuquay-Varina program began in 2014 and was developed specifically to develop leaders for our community. This 10-month program serves to educate qualified business people and interested residents from the Town of Fuquay-Varina on the qualities of effective leaders, the functions of town government and the local systems that create community. This program will grow a sustainable, diverse network of citizens that develop and maintain a broad awareness of their community assets and local government infrastructure. Successful graduates will have a deeper appreciation for the potential of civic and municipal leaders to make significant contributions to their towns, their fellow citizens, and their families. Furthermore, graduates will become champions of commitment and responsibility to the future success and growth within the community of Fuquay-Varina.

The program includes sessions on the following topics:

  • Leadership Skills & Partnerships
  • Health & Human Services in Fuquay-Varina
  • Education
  • Non-Profit Board Service
  • Municipal & County Government
  • Public Safety
  • Growth, Planning and Impact
  • Economic Development
  • Emotional Intelligence in Leadership
  • Cultural Awareness, Diversity, Equity & Inclusion in Fuquay-Varina

Methods of instruction:

  • Lectures
  • On-site field trips and tours
  • Group discussion
  • Project planning

Benefits of Local Leadership Programs:

To Participants & Employers

  • Broader and more profound knowledge of the functions of community
  • A deeper appreciation for the potential of civic and municipal leaders to make significant contributions to their communities, networks, careers, and families
  • Heightened appreciation of the value of working with diverse partners
  • A more meaningful commitment to higher levels of community service
  • Community recognition for participating in Leadership Fuquay-Varina
  • A greatly expanded and diverse network of friends and colleagues
  • Introduction to and communication with community leaders
  • Leadership training benefiting both employers and participants

To the Community of Fuquay-Varina

  • Improved quality of life in our town as a result of participants’ increased understanding of what is required to sustain a community and increased exposure to opportunities for participation
  • A broader pool of quality leaders and board members for civic and municipal positions
  • A valuable economic development asset to promote to prospective businesses and residents

Qualifications for Participation

All Candidates Must:

  • Be a minimum of mid-twenties in age with work experience and a history of civic and municipal volunteerism
  • Not be a candidate for elected office at the time of registration or during the program
  • Be willing to make the commitment of time and resources to complete the program (attendance is mandatory at all events and classes), including 8 hours of community service
  • Live within our Urban Service Area (USA) and have a resident/business/civic/municipal interest in Fuquay-Varina

Additional Information:

  • The 2025 Program dates are coming soon
  • A mandatory kickoff session will be held one evening in late February 2025, date TBD
  • Meets on the first Wednesday of each month
  • Sessions run from 8:30 am to 4:30 pm
  • Lunch is included
  • Attendance at each session is mandatory
  • Occasional social, civic, and curricular activities outside of sessions
  • Eight-hour group community service requirement
  • Program fee: $700 for FV Chamber Members ($850 for non-members)

Get updates on this year’s class by following our Facebook page.

Leadership Fuquay-Varina Alumni

Class of 2021
Not Pictured: Dustin Grimes (F-V Fire Dept.), Michael Johnson (Siemens Healthineers), Jennifer Rankin (F-V Arts Center)
Class of 2020
Not Pictured: Nickie McKenzie (McKenzie’s Therapeutic Massage), Shannon Vanae Volpe (Resident), Colby Warren (Harnett Health), Suzanne Yeager (Your Smart Office)

Class of 2019

Class of 2018

Class of 2017

Class of 2016

Class of 2015